Useful techniques to be one with Nature

We’ve addressed the benefits of connecting with Nature in our previous article and in this new 3-part series, we’re sharing with you the techniques to help you immerse yourself in the natural world and let Nature do its wonders on your body and mind.

1. Imagine yourself as a tree and stand comfortably

Imagine yourself standing strong and stable with roots running deep into the ground and leaves and branches spreading out like antennae accessible, receptive and patient. If you find your mind wandering, apply the skills you’ve learnt in our previous article to ground your thoughts.

Be comfortable and get a good grip of the ground with the four corners of your feet. Anchor yourself in and take deep heavy breaths. You will soon realise Nature in the form of gravity will start helping you get a better grounding. Use the breathing techniques you’ve mastered previously and focus on following your breath as you breathe in and out.

2. Pay attention to happenings around you

Holding onto the visualization as a tree, raise your hands outwards like the wide branches of the trees you see around you. Revisit the practice you’ve learnt from Mindful Body Scan and feel every sensation that Nature has in store for you. Embrace every bit of sunshine, heat, and smell by being deeply attuned to our body.

Be still and absorb your surroundings. If you feel your mind drifting and wanting to move on, pull yourself back, and visualize yourself as a longstanding tree again who has been standing tall and still throughout time.

Bring your hands back down and now close your eyes. Listen, and listen deeply. Deep listening helps you to achieve inner peace to make you feel as one with Nature. Take in the sounds of your surrounding with intention.

3. Write freely about your experience

Documenting the sounds will not be difficult now, for your mind has thoroughly been absorbed with Nature. Your connection with Nature has now given you a smooth passage into writing freely.

Find a quiet space and sit in any comfortable position and get ready to journal. Make a simple list of the sounds you have heard and describe them.

Conclude your journaling by reflecting on your experience. How did it make you feel? What are your thoughts? This might just be the start to an awakening that you’ve been waiting for. Keep practising this new skill with the ones you’ve learnt previously and continue your Mindful Journaling. Select your confidante to take on your Nature journeys with these recommendations for you.

#ConnectWithNature is proudly presented and prepared in collaboration with Shalini Damodaran, an established Mindfulness practitioner and teacher. For more information, please visit


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    March 22, 2024

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  • jrldk270 said:


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  • dnjrh753 said:

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  • yxobe850 said:

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  • ydjzc540 said:

    сериал на русском языке

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  • qkxrj865 said:

    сериал на русском языке

    March 19, 2024

  • dijzy435 said:

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  • mlvxw829 said:


    March 19, 2024

  • vizglike said:

    Ad usum externum — Для внешнего употребления.

    March 18, 2024

  • vizgbobo said:

    Ad futuram memoriam — На долгую память.

    March 18, 2024

  • vizgbobo said:

    Amor omnia vincit – Все побеждает любовь.

    March 18, 2024

  • psyxlike said:

    Communis opinio — Общее мнение.

    March 18, 2024

  • psyhert said:

    Ad usum internum — Для внутреннего употребления.

    March 18, 2024

  • razumbobo said:

    Cogito ergo sum – я мыслю, следовательно – существую

    March 18, 2024

  • psyi said:

    Abyssus abyssum invocat — Бездна взывает к бездне

    March 18, 2024

  • mozggo said:

    Ad discendum, non ad docendum — Для изучения, но не для поучения.

    March 18, 2024

  • psybobo said:

    Ad disputandum — Для обсуждения.

    March 18, 2024

  • vizggo said:

    Contradictio in re — лог. Противоречие в существе (нелепость).

    March 18, 2024

  • mozghert said:

    Abiens, abi! — Уходя, уходи!

    March 18, 2024

  • vizgdodo said:

    Abyssus abyssum invocat — Бездна взывает к бездне

    March 18, 2024

  • vizgdodo said:

    Ad hoste maligno libera nos, Domine — Избави нас от лукавого, Боже.

    March 18, 2024

  • psyxyou said:

    Ad majorem Dei gloriam — К вящей славе Божией

    March 18, 2024

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