Nokta 3al Sater Li hayaten jadeeda - نقطة على السطر
When an individual feels empty, without a doubt, despair kills him. Let us know despair is a deadly and deadly weapon.
However, we can wield this weapon with a stronger weapon than it, which is the weapon of happiness and optimism. After one month of depression, today and I mean today, I can't describe how much happiness I felt in the depths of my heart, it made my heart beat so fast and my eyes watered with tears of happiness.
I have been writing for years and published a book about my life story, but today I decided to write about my thoughts again so I wrote about someone special to me, and people finally noticed me after all these years, and made me feel like I own the whole world.
Writing for me is not just words but my inner soul writes exactly what I feel.
Without the support of FatherAntonios Makar Ibrahim I couldn't have made it, and now Dr. Mawaheb made my day shine with her kind words and with her great support, she will always be someone special to me and definitely brings happiness to everyone around her.
May God bless everyone around the world especially the doctors, who take a great responsibility every day.
Publisher : Maria Claude Issa
Authors : Maria Claude Issa
Date of Publishing :3 November 2017
Country of Origin : Lebanon